Inclusive Marketing & Consultancy

Inclusive Marketing: No longer a nice-to-have.

Written byHamza Ouamari
-11 September 2023
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In today's marketing landscape, there's a shift that goes beyond just selling a product: it's about building trust, representing diversity, and creating an authentic connection with consumers. If your brand still thinks inclusive marketing is a 'nice-to-have', you're missing the boat. And not just any boat, but a mega-yacht filled with Gen Z'ers and millennials ready to spend.

Trust as the Foundation

In an era where trust is hard to come by, 85% of consumers state they'll only consider a brand if they trust it. This isn't just a number; it reflects a changing market dynamic where consumers are seeking brands that mirror their values and identity. When consumers see themselves represented in advertisements, they feel a direct connection and trust in that brand. This trust then translates into loyalty and repeat purchases, which are vital for a brand's long-term growth and success.

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The Influence of Gen Z and Millennials

These younger generations are not just consumers; they're trendsetters. A staggering 70% of Gen Z trusts brands more that showcase diversity in their ads. This means they're not just buying products, but also brand stories and values. They're looking for brands that recognize the diverse reality of the world around them.

Moreover, inclusive ads have a 23% higher purchase intent among Gen Z, indicating it's not just about showcasing diversity but creating an authentic connection. These generations are the future leaders and decision-makers, and their preferences will heavily influence market trends in the coming decades.

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The Need for Change in Online Advertisements

Despite the clear demand for inclusivity, 54% of consumers feel they're not fully culturally represented in online advertising. This highlights a gap between what brands are offering and what consumers expect. Bridging this gap doesn't just mean more sales, but also stronger brand loyalty. In an era where consumers can easily switch from one brand to another, it's essential for brands to stand out by offering an authentic and inclusive message.

The Power of Action

It's not enough to just talk about diversity and inclusion; brands need to act. An impressive 64% of consumers said they took some form of action after seeing an ad they perceived as diverse or inclusive. This shows that inclusive marketing isn't just good for a brand's image but also its bottom line. Consumers want to engage with brands that take action and put their values into practice.

Inclusive marketing isn't just a trend; it's an essential strategy for brands looking to thrive in the modern world. It's not just about reaching a broader audience but building deeper, more meaningful relationships with consumers. In a world craving authenticity and representation, it's time for brands to step up and embrace the challenge.

Source: IMPACT

Written byHamza Ouamari

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