Inclusive Marketing & Consultancy

What is inclusive marketing?

Written byHamza Ouamari
-11 September 2023
Fenty Beauty — Inclusive Marketing

Marketing has been around for thousands of years. It's evolved a lot over that time, especially in the last few decades as technology has changed how we interact with each other and the world around us. The latest evolution of marketing—inclusive marketing—is focused on making sure everyone feels welcome, included and valued by brands.

Inclusive marketing is all about treating people fairly and respectfully. It's about helping everyone feel like they belong and have something to contribute, whether they're a customer or potential employee. It's also about building relationships with people who may not normally be your target audience so you can learn more about them—and better serve them too!

The Basics of Inclusive Marketing

Inclusive marketing is a hot topic right now, with many businesses wanting to jump on the bandwagon and make their products or services more open or diverse. But what exactly does inclusive marketing mean? Is it just another buzzword, or is there something more substantial behind it?

Let's start by defining what inclusive marketing actually means: It's all about making sure that everyone in society feels represented by your brand and its products—regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality or ability level.

Inclusive marketing doesn't mean marketing solely towards minority groups; rather it encourages brands to reach out as broadly as possible within their target group(s) so they can create an environment where everyone feels welcome - whether they fall into one of these categories themselves or not!

Eliminating discrimination

Inclusive marketing is about eliminating discrimination in marketing strategies. It's a deliberate and intentional process of creating an environment that welcomes all people, reflects their values and interests and respects their needs, aspirations and priorities.

Inclusive marketing means understanding who your target audience is so that you can create effective messages for them. It involves choosing appropriate media channels to communicate with consumers based on those groups' characteristics like age, income level or gender—and using those channels effectively.

The goal of inclusive marketing is to provide the best possible experience for everyone. It's about being aware of your own biases and making sure that they don't get in the way of your ability to serve customers effectively.

More than just adding a few people of color to an ad

Inclusive marketing is more than just adding a few people of color to an ad. Inclusion is about more than just featuring diverse people in your campaigns, it’s about creating a marketing strategy that makes you better at serving all your customers.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some ideas:

Challenge yourself to think differently about your customer base. Start by asking questions like: Who is my ideal customer? How do they feel about my brand? What do they want from me? How can I better serve them? Then, step back and look at what products or services your company offers for this segment of the population and improve on them.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes along the way! It takes courage—and perhaps some trial-and-error—to try new things but don't be afraid to take risks when exploring different ways of thinking or doing business with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. It’s also important to remember that diversity goes beyond culture and ethnicity. You should also be conscious of how your marketing strategy impacts other groups, such as people with disabilities or LGBTQIA+ communities.

Know your target audiences

In order to create a well-rounded marketing strategy, you need to know your target audience. This means taking the time to understand who they are and how they think. Understand the needs of your customers.

What motivates them? What do they want from you? What are their pain points? What are their values and beliefs? And what is their willingness to pay for your products or services?
Once you know this information, you can create a marketing plan that will resonate with your target audience. 

Inclusive marketing is simply a way to connect and engage with people who typically do not feel represented in the products or services you sell. It means ensuring that your brand has something to offer to everyone. The goal is to position yourself as an ally to diverse audiences, not just those who resemble or think like you.

Inclusivity is not just a marketing strategy; it is also an ethical responsibility.


Inclusive marketing is a new way for brands to connect with customers. It’s an approach that values people of all backgrounds and abilities, and creates products that are accessible to everyone. Inclusive marketing starts with empathy. Instead of assuming what customers want or need, marketers must try to understand their experiences as they relate to your product or service. Once you have empathy for the user, it’s easy to create content that resonates with them—content your audience will share because they feel seen by it.

Written byHamza Ouamari

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